Friday, April 27, 2012


You know that feeling when you listen to a really good song? When it just blows you away and all you can do is smile, sit back, and listen to the music? That feeling in your gut that wants to scream out "I love this song!"? Maybe I'm just weird, but that happens to me a lot. If it happens to you too, then we could be friends. Good music is just amazing. I doubt anyone disagrees with that. That good feeling you get from a good song is one of my favorite feelings ever.

What is this power that music has over people? When I'm upset, some of my friends will say "England," the name of a The National song (if you haven't listened to it, you should). That song in itself has the ability to calm anyone's spirits. Whenever I listen to that song, I can't help but want to lie back and let the sounds overcome me. When music is done right (not just talking about the style of music, but more of morality), people could change the world. Many of the bands I listen to are looking to change the world through their music. You can hear it in their lyrics and how they use they're instruments, trying to make themselves stand out to the world. How many Justin Bieber songs do you think are written with the purpose to change the world? Maybe he wants to change the world of his girlfriend, but not the whole world, at least not yet. I know I talk about Arcade Fire a lot (they're probably my favorite band right now), but you can tell they are not satisfied with where society is and their music is screaming out for answer. Their music is full of anger and bitterness towards society. Society is corrupt, and those without hope of a better life will get discouraged and bitter. To them, it's a righteous anger. One popular artist that I've noticed who talks about changing society in her music is Lady Gaga. Her music is crying out for something better.

You may think I'm weird. I know I over analyze things, but I learn so much about where society really is by reading in between the lines. Sometimes I wish I could just listen to that Selena Gomez song, enjoy the catchiness of the song and not thing through the deeper meaning. Analytical thinking can be a burden, but it's part of who I am. I like to think that I can provoke some thought into at least one reader out there. Honestly, if I've done that, then this blog isn't a waste.

Quick little challenge: I challenge you to listen to your favorite song and analyze what you think it means. Think through the lyrics, the style or instrumentation, and if they have a music video, watch it. Think through what each character means. It might bring your favorite song into a new light. You may learn something about yourself. Why do you like that song so much? Why does it get to you personally? I already analyzed my favorite song in the blog "analyzing society."

Honestly, I have so much more I could say about music. Music can't be summed up in one paragraph. The philosophies of these artists have so much more depth, and I only mentioned three different artists. I hope this inspired you in some way. If not, I hope my next blog will be more entertaining for you (and that isn't being said with contempt. I'm genuinely sorry you didn't enjoy this blog.)

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