Tuesday, February 28, 2012

smudged glasses

I sat in a full auditorium looking through dirty glass. I pulled off my glasses and saw many smudges and even some tear stains. Usually you just clean them off with some cloth and some steam from your mouth if they're that dirty, but this particular time, looking through those dirty glasses seemed so profound. I never noticed the accumulation of all the dirt and dust from the day before, but there it all was to the point where the glasses were pointless to wear. All those dust particulars, tear stains, and fingerprints are the mark of the past. Our lives are like a pair of smudged glasses. We can clean them off as much as we can in an auditorium full of people, but they won't be the same as the day before. New smudges and fingerprints, new lines of where they had just been cleaned off. Looking back on the dirt, you can always see better after you've cleaned them off. Your life will never be the same after one day, but we can always clean off the dirt of the day, learn how to keep our glasses even cleaner, maybe by bringing a glasses case or a better cleaner. We can make our glasses perfectly clean ourselves, but there is a optician who can clean our glasses and make them like new. But we can never forget the mistakes we've made when we've dropped them in the pile of mud or left them setting out to collect dust. No matter how dirty we make our glasses, that optician will always be willing to clean.

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