Sunday, February 26, 2012

it's all in the way you view it...

Honestly, we've all had those days where everything seems to go wrong. We've all had those times where we just want to make it to the end, to survive through it. Sometimes life can just be so hard to get through. This morning I was riding in the car and my dad asked "What can we be thankful for right now?" Being one of those times in my life, nothing really came to mind. I had to ponder the question a while, but the main answer I came up with is life itself. I could have my life taken from me, but then it would have been wasted. I'm thankful for another chance to make things right that are wrong. I'm thankful for the support I have from my family and friends. When things go badly or seem down, focus on those blessings you have in your life. It makes a world of a difference. Cause no matter how bad things seem, there's at least one person who will support you now matter how big a mistake you've made, how badly things go, and how much you rejected Him. He is always there for you. It's all in the way you view it.

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