Thursday, November 24, 2011


We all know to be thankful on thanksgiving. We all say a prayer thanking God for who He has put in our lives, for the food on the table, and for all the stuff we have.

But then why must we be thankful?

Thankfulness is a blessing, and if you think about it, it makes life a bit easier. I doubt anyone in the world can say that they feel better when they take for granted what they have. Thankfulness makes life so much more enjoyable.

But what does it mean to be truly thankful?

Thankfulness is from the heart, when you just think and feel "Man, I am really blessed..." Looking at my life, I have no reason to be sad. I have a fancy iMac, the ability to worship freely, warm home, plenty of food... I could spend days writing out all I have.

Take this day and be thankful, truly thankful for what you have - whether it's a spouse or the fact that you own more than one pair of socks. In a capitalist society, like in America, it's so easy to forgive how blessed we really are.

Now, go out and tell someone what you're thankful for. Start a chain of thankfulness, and it doesn't have to be done on Thanksgiving. Be thankful tomorrow, be thankful next week, be thankful next month, be thankful everyday and you'll notice that life will be so much more of a blessing to you rather than living in jealousy of what others have or of what you could have.

With that, I say to enjoy your life and enjoy your day.

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