Wednesday, November 9, 2011

it has begun.

Winter has officially begun. Snow is falling, hard and life is being made miserable on college campus. Walking from building to building is very hard. The snow falling from all angles, penetrating my soul. This is my second year living in the tundra of northeast Wisconsin. Before that I lived in South Carolina, huge difference. Even though this snow fall means that I'll be living in cold and ice for several months, there still is this childlike joy that comes with the soft flakes falling from the sky softly.

This time last year, there was a similar snowstorm. I still remember the joy I had felt watching the air turn white from the snowflakes falling. It was the most snow I had ever seen in my life. The native cheeseheads, or Wisconsin-ites,  however, laughed at my excitement and joy, knowing that this excitement would eventually turn into distaste.

Maybe it's the southerner in me, but I will always be excited for snow to fall. What this snows means is that when I get home from my classes I can make a hot drink, curl up under a big blanket, and enjoy the day given me and the protection that I have from the cold winds. Winter is the hardest season to bear, but the best season to observe.

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