Friday, July 29, 2011

What should I post about?

I keep wondering what I should post about, thinking way too hard about what everyone - or no one, depending on whether anyone actually reads this blog - will want to hear. Honestly, I don't really know what you want to hear, so there's no point in trying to fulfill the unknown. So here goes a completely random post about whatever I feel like needs to be said or want to say to the internet. Now the problem is figuring out what I want to say.

Culture today is rather humorous, I must say. While at a restaurant the other day, my friends and I counted how many people were using a phone while they waited for their food (we were eating at Chipotle, the top ranked Mexican fast food restaurant in the country. If you've been there you know how it works). There were probably about 10 people in line, but we counted about 5 or 6 people on their phones, not to mention the one kid playing probably Angry Birds or Worms or some game on his iPod. It's interesting to see people at a restaurant together who aren't even talking. They're on their phones. I mean, who needs a company anyways when you can just carry people around with you in your pocket.

I think everyone is guilty of this mindset nowadays. I'm guilty of this mindset as well. As I sit here blogging this post, I am with my cousin who is talking to some person on Facebook. We may have to leave early in the morning, but for some reason getting off our computers is too difficult of a task for us. Every time we say we're about to get off, something new happens or we remember to talk to someone or some gets online. It's very inconvenient. Maybe someday society will be free of the ease of communication. The internet has been a wonderful invention and maybe society loves it a little too much.

Overall, I think this blog post is very ironic, but I will post it anyways.

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