Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the purpose

I never really saw myself as a blogger in the past. It used to seem so pointless, but in a way blogging can convey ideas that could be shared in no other way. I have created this blog, "common credo," as an experiment to see how blogging will take to me, and also to practice some writing skills. What I write about may not interest everyone, but I continue in the hopes that at least one person out there will enjoy or find these words interesting. I have no credibility so I will not take offense if you do not agree. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on some things. Something I would like to do through this blog is to touch on the common "credo," or statement of beliefs, that cultures share or differ in. Culture and philosophy has always intrigued me and I hope to get comments and hopefully questions from any of you. Feel free to disregard my answers, because they may not be of use.

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