Thursday, December 8, 2011

joy. fun. food. hugs. smiles.

Ahh... The semester is winding down. It's almost that time of year with joy, family fun, and food. Oh, the food.

But let us not forget what this season is about.
Celebrate the people in your life.
Celebrate your blessings, what you have that others may not.
Celebrate your life and the perfect life that gave itself that we might live.

Yes, eat, drink, and be merry, but also meditate on the somberness of what Christmas means.

We don't give gifts just because we can. Each gift symbolizes the gift of eternal life that we have been given through the birth and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As you receive and give your gifts this holiday season, look at it as more of God giving to you His gift, receive it with your heart this season, and also don't forget to be thankful. Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's so easy to forget to be thankful. Thank people around you for the gifts they've given you this past year, not just physical, material gifts.

Give hugs this season!

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