Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Comfortable Claustrophobia

Dusk is one of the best times of the day. The colors are soft and warm - not to mention the beautiful orange glow of light. Flying and sunrise or sunset is one of the prettiest experiences ever, especially this particular flight from Detroit to Green Bay. The earth was a pale grey blue because of both the distance above the earth and from the weak light of the sun. Even though orange and blue have nothing in common, a vibrant, pale pink brought the colors to just come together naturally in the most pleasing way. The plane was shrouded by a thick layer of clouds above and a thinner layer below to the point in which the details of the surface are barely seen; these layers created the perfect feeling of comfortable claustrophobia. What made this sunset even more spectacular, more intriguing, more intense was a darker grey off in the distance. In this dark grey hidden underneath the bright colors of orange and pink, lightening strikes could be seen with perfect detail. The image was poetic, marvelous, awe-inspiring; it was creation bringing absolute glory to the Creator. With such color, such mood, such expression, how could there not be an artist who created this world.